
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Spiritual Powder for a cure to Cancer and fatal diseases - Editor's Article

Ubqari Magazine - April 2012

During my travels to bahawalpur I met Ashraf Ali Sahab the dealer of Ubqari. He provides free of cost home delivery and few other service to the Ubari customers that cannot be offered by any other dealer free of cost. As usual when in a gathering of the close friends I request them to share their spiritual observations and experiences as these will be shared with a larger audience by me. The observation s and experiences that I have received are your deposits and not to return these deposited experiences would be a deflection.
A person started telling that he as tremendous faith in Surah e Al feel. He said that all his entire worldly impossible and problems of every type are addressed by Surah al feel. That he recites Surah al feel with or without ablution with Bismillah in starting. He further went on sharing that his relations and situations at home have grown extremely complex and had moved from bad to worse. That his business and financial situation has reached to the lowest ebb, he started reciting Surah Al feel the whole day and night. He says that he observed that all the impossible became possible for him; all the complexities in his life came to an end. I became free from all my troubles he said. Now I strongly believe that for any trouble or worry I recite the wazifa granted to me by Hakeem Sahab and I will get through any situation I face.
Another person informed me that Hakeem Sahab awarded me the wazifa of Prayer (Aazan); but a procedure is to be followed. My daughter secured 76% marks in her examinations. Whenever our driver would go to drop her, she would recite the prayer (Azzan) seven times in the car. The daughter further says that if there is a quarrel at home or if someone is losing temper at home she would recite Prayer (Aazan) standing there and then. This puts an abrupt end to worsening situation.  Their son went to United States of America and refused to come back to Pakistan. Their mother started reciting Prayer (Aazan) after offering every prayer (Namaz). Their son came back to Pakistan and offered his apology. A female told me that her daughter had a very complex issue concerning her examination papers. She started reciting Prayer (Aazan) when she set for her professor. On reaching there, her problem was solved promptly.
Another person told me that it was his habit that he would give ice to the prisoners in lockup at the police station situated near his shop. One day a prisoner told him about the problems and adverse conditions he was facing in the lock up. I told him to recite Surah Al Kausar along with Bismilla. Within few days he was set free from prison. A person told me that he would send spiritual medicated powder (phakki) to her relatives in Dhook Elahi Baksh; she got cured from her cancer. Before this she has sold her jewelry and one eighth of her share of property on the treatment of this disease.  I was told about the wife of a landlord from Sadiqabad that she went abroad for her treatment as she was suffering form from acute pain in her joints and that her joints have frozen too. They returned hopeless from abroad. It was recommended to her to use Johar-e-Madina as a treatment she has been cured and is perfectly well now.  I was told about Mr. Iqbal an officer in Faysal Bank and aged sixty. He was also suffering from acute pain in his joints. He could barely make free movements. He used ten boxes of Johar-e-Shafa-e-Madina and now is leading a normal life free from any pain in joints. I was told that Iqbal Sahab says that he daily pray for Hakeem Sahab after every prayer. From among that gathering I was told about a patwari Mr. Allah Wassaya belonging to Jalalpur Pirwala near Multan that he was suffering from high sugar and would take insulin injections. He completed the course of “five sugar courses” and ate Sohan Halwa (a sweet) starting his journey from Lahore till Bahalpur since he is too fond of the sweet but his sugar remained in control. I was told by a father that his son who is of four years of age would not feel hungry, his body would remain pale, and he was far from being well. His father further told me that as recommended, he started his son with the course of Akseer Ul Badan half tablet morning and half tablet of Rooshan Dimagh at night. Now the child is leading a normal and healthy life. One Muhammad Saleem told me that his father was suffering from various gastrointestinal problems. His father was unable to digest any food and would complain about uneasiness in his condition. He was recommended to use Roohani Phaky (Spiritual Medicated Powder) and till date he is perfectly fine.

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